Дом «Левитан» — это современный проект, созданный для комфортной жизни в городе Мурино в 500 метрах от Санкт-Петербурга.
Разнообразие планировок
В комплексе представлены двух- и трехкомнатные квартиры, в том числе евроформата. Предлагаются просторные кухни-гостиные, большие лоджии с панорамным остеклением.
Собственная инфраструктура
Первый этаж комплекса отведен под размещение кафе и пекарен, медицинского центра, аптеки и других объектов стрит-ритейла.
Большое количество зеленых зон и отсутствие плотной городской застройки
В непосредственной близости находится лесопарк и благоустроенная набережная реки Охты.
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
4 212 243
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
4 271 495
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
6 218 100
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
6 262 200
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
5 923 575
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
6 166 125
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
7 684 614
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
8 082 711
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
10 299 188
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
10 209 812
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Любая информация, представленная на данном сайте, носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями статьи 437 ГК РФ. Проектная декларация и вся необходимая информация о Застройщике и проекте строительства размещена в Единой информационной системе жилищного строительства по адресу: наш.дом.рф
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